Species-Specific conservation

Conservation of specific species has important ecological ramifications for the protection of ecologically important and threatened populations of species. Through local knowledge and monitoring, awareness and conservation campaigns, restraints that include providing total protection to some biological communities, habitat patches, and certain selected species, as well as protection of other species during critical stages of their life history.


Subsistence and small-scale fishery species

Subsistence and commercial fishers may in some areas be depending on the same natural resource base, thus potential conflicts due to the existence of both kinds of fisheries in the same area or community are to be managed. Moreover, the actual species harvested are to be managed with an adaptive approach. Some of these should include licences, fish size, possession limits and seasonal closures. Commercial fishers operating in Beqa Lagoon require a licence and, in cases of vulnerable species, a permit. Recreational fishers are subject to size and possession (bag) limits and to seasonal and spawning closures.


Threatened and ecotourism-attracting species

Conservation relies increasingly on ecotourism for financial and political support. Attitudes of local communities towards native threatened wildlife influence whether they support or oppose poaching. Putting the spotlight on charismatic tourism-attracting species which occur in Beqa Lagoon, and of which some are threatened (e.g., sharks, rays, turtles and whales), directing ecotourism activities surrounding these species, creates a base for sustainable conservation.