Solid Waste


Addressing the threat of waste by working on both the regional scale and on an individual level;   the management strategy is to inform the local communities of the potential negative effects of non-action alongside the positive benefits of establishing a network of responsible committed caretakers utilising a sustainable solid waste management approach, empowering them to protect their resources.

waste in Fiji Islands

Amounting waste along the coastline poses a threat to coastal organisms

Fiji recognizes that solid waste management is a serious issue requiring immediate measures. Non action has the potential to cause a negative impact on many development activities including public health, the environment, safeguarding food sources, tourism and trade. Unfortunately, at this time there are insufficient programs in place to manage and treat waste in Beqa Lagoon, exposing both the environment and the people to a plethora of associated threats.


The goal is to increase the proportion of solid waste that is treated in an economically feasible & sustainable way, and environmentally sound manner.  These aims will be achieved through educational and awareness programs in the villages and schools on how to reduce waste where possible, reusing and recycling materials, composting organic materials in the village as well as instigating local environmental monitoring programs with the villagers.